Ana Adams
The real story.

Who is she? Really.
(The professional headshot? Where most people talk about where they're from, where they went to school, and what the initials after their name mean. Nah.)
The short version of this story is a girl from the south ends up going to vet school WAY south (Argentina, no less), eventually finding her way back to Auburn for some extra training in animal reproduction.
She thought she was gonna work in cattle. There ain't many cows in Alpharetta though, so when she moved to Atlanta to be closer to family the repro interest got focused on dogs instead. That was almost 30 years ago.
(A turkey?? If you're still with us, keep reading.)

Let's jump to today for a second. All those people in the background? Yep, those are all her kids. Young adults who think they've got her outnumbered. Well, maybe outpowered. The look on HER face tells you she knows otherwise. Keep reading.
How'd she end up there? Although she was born and raised in the south, both her parents are full blooded Argentinians (making her, uh, Argentinian) and back when life down there was sweet and stable (1981), her parents (in the picture) decided to move back home and take 6 teenage kids with them. Crazy? Cool? You decide. Either way it sure has made for a colorful life. Becoming fluent in Spanish just sweetened the deal.

Moving to Alpharetta in 1996 turned into the founding of Hamby Road Animal Hospital. Twenty-five years at Hamby saw the practice grow into a full-service multi-doctor facility offering medicine, surgery, and preventative care as well as canine reproduction services including breeding management, artificial insemination, semen freezing, and surgery. The relationships? The stories? The laughs? Too many to count. An incredible experience for sure.

Which brings us to today. A new season. Change can spur challenges that lead to growth. Just because you're in your late 50's doesn't mean you have to act like it. Try something new! Broaden your horizons! Stretch yourself outside your comfort zone and see where it takes you.
The new season for her has led to the opening of Westside Village Animal Hospital which is, of course, on the west side.
All things repro.
Give us a call, we're here.
Still thinking about that turkey? Meet General, the 3-year-old tom she raised from a baby. A Mother's Day gift from her daughter. He roams the back pens on the small farm where she lives with her family, usually offering a little gobble or two in return when you call. Never a dull moment.